Joining Committee
The Joining Committee's goal is to spread the Chapter's mission and vision to women throughout the AEC industry; offering a unique opportunity to expand their network and knowledge by engaging with other women and men sharing similar professional goals. We offer continuous support to students, young and seasoned professionals, and small- medium and large-businesses by not only providing a platform to network with new and existing members, but also by providing opportunities to learn and grow.
New and exciting programs are in the works to offer development opportunities for students, professionals, companies, and teams - small or big! To learn more about us, join us at our next PWC event. Joining Committee members are easy to spot - we have Joining tags on our badges and are always eager to make new friends
Nicole DiGangi
Joining Committee Member
Amee Farrell
Joining Committee Member
Kaplan Stewart
Kristen Ziga
Joining Committee Member
D’Lauro and Rodgers (D & R Construction)